
TRUE Zero Waste Certification: 6 Key Benefits for Customers

Written by McNeilus | Oct 15, 2024 6:09:50 PM

McNeilus Truck and Manufacturing, Inc. is proud to announce our Riceville, IA, location has achieved TRUE Zero Waste Gold Certification, joining our Dodge Center, Minn. location which holds a Platinum Certification—the highest level possible. This significant achievement underscores our commitment to minimizing waste output, enhancing resource efficiency and building a sustainable future.

“We are proud of our team for embracing this environmental focus and we look forward to sharing how these enhancements improve our customer service, processes and products,” stated Phil Rothmann, Corporate Sustainability Manager for Oshkosh Corporation.

To reach Gold Certification, the Riceville team achieved a 90% diversion rate or better. Below, we explore the details of TRUE Zero Waste Certification and explain how this milestone benefits our customers.

What is TRUE Zero Waste Certification?

The Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) Zero Waste Certification is a comprehensive system designed to help businesses, institutions and communities achieve Zero Waste goals by diverting solid waste from the landfill. This certification is not just about recycling; it encompasses a holistic approach to resource management.

Principles of TRUE Zero Waste Certification

Waste Prevention: TRUE Zero Waste prioritizes waste prevention by focusing on redesigning processes and products to minimize waste generation from the outset. 

At McNeilus, this means evaluating supply chains and manufacturing processes to find innovative ways to reduce waste or switch to reusable materials wherever possible.

Reduction: Organizations are encouraged to reduce the amount of waste they produce.

For McNeilus, this includes practices like optimizing resource use and encouraging the reduction of single-use items. Additionally, we are inspecting dumpsters and recycling bins to ensure proper waste sorting.

Reuse: Reusing materials is a key component of TRUE Zero Waste.

At McNeilus, this includes reusing items, repairing rather than replacing and finding new uses for materials which would otherwise be discarded.

Recycling and Composting: TRUE Zero Waste looks beyond these methods to ensure materials are recycled responsibly and composted efficiently to return nutrients to the soil.

Our Riceville and Dodge Center facilities have invested in recycling and composting programs to support enhanced environmental efforts.

Employee Engagement and Training: Successful Zero Waste programs involve training team members and stakeholders about waste management practices, encouraging a culture of sustainability within the organization.

Oshkosh Corporation has a goal for all companies within its portfolio to achieve a 90% waste diversion by the end of 2024. McNeilus is committed to supporting this initiative and leading employee engagement and training efforts.

How does TRUE Zero Waste Certification Benefit Customers?

At McNeilus, Zero Waste Certification brings tremendous value to our internal teams, but also to our customers.

“We’ve focused our innovations on reducing the environmental footprint of our products while improving their safety, quality, efficiency and longevity,” said Phil Rothmann, Oshkosh Corporation Sustainability Manager. “We will continue to drive sustainable growth to create a company, a culture and a world that will thrive far into the future.”

Achieving TRUE Zero Waste Certification is a significant accomplishment, and it brings a multitude of benefits. For government agencies, municipalities and private companies considering partnering with a TRUE Zero Waste certified business like McNeilus, the advantages are compelling and multifaceted.

  1. Reduced Environmental Impact: Partnering with a TRUE Zero Waste certified business means supporting the transition to a circular economy through waste generation and waste mitigation efforts. McNeilus’ commitment to reducing waste, conserving resources and minimizing pollution helps to lower the environmental footprint through the value chain. This alignment with sustainable practices can enhance the environmental credentials of your own organization.

  2. Increased Operational Efficiency: McNeilus’ waste reduction strategies are helping to streamline processes and operations. TRUE Zero Waste certification guides businesses to minimize waste and conserve resources.

  3. Enhanced Public Image: McNeilus’ Zero Waste initiatives contribute to waste diversion from landfills and promote recycling and reuse. Partnering with a certified Zero Waste business demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility.

  4. Compliance with Regulations: As environmental regulations become stricter, working with a certified Zero Waste business helps ensure refuse management standards, from production to disposal are achieved.

  5. Stakeholder Satisfaction: Investors and other stakeholders continue to prioritize sustainability. By working with McNeilus, you can align with stakeholder values for environmental stewardship and responsible business practices.

  6. Leadership in Sustainability: By aligning with a leader in Zero Waste practices, your organization can also position itself as a leader in waste minimization and environmental responsibility. This can open new opportunities for growth, partnerships and market differentiation.

As a TRUE Zero Waste certified business, McNeilus supports environmental responsibility, economic efficiency, regulatory compliance and innovation.

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